Section: New Results

Glycemic control in ICUs

Participant : Michel Sorine.

The results of statistical analysis of the data gathered during the large clinical trial CGAO-REA have been published in [14] : “Tight computerized versus conventional glucose control in the ICU: a randomized controlled trial”. Despite the increase in the incidence of severe hypoglycemia in our experimental group, based on the absence of difference in mortality between patients on tight computerized glucose control and those on less stringent glucose control without computerized decision support systems (CDSS), this study could pave the way for future randomized controlled trials assessing new generation CDSSs allowing the safe implementation of blood glucose control in the ICU that take into account the complexity of glucose control throughout the ICU stay and the variability of individualized insulin needs. Some new objectives for computer aided glycemic control in ICUs have been proposed in [32] . An article proposing a more detailed statistical analysis of the severe hypoglycemic events has been submitted.